A Simple Guide To Hiding Comments On Facebook (2024)

This simple 2024 guide will teach you how to hide comments on Facebook and help you keep your feed clean and manage interactions easily.

A Simple Guide To Hiding Comments On Facebook (2024)
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You post a photo of a recent vacation. You’re excited to share this memory with your friends online. But when you check the comments section, you find a strange message from someone you don’t know. Instead of congratulating you on your trip, this person is attacking your character and insinuating that you did something illegal to fund your vacation. It’s a bizarre comment that ruins your day and sends you spiraling. You wish you could just make it go away.
When dealing with a large audience online, the chances of getting harmful comments increase. While there's no way to prevent them entirely, hiding comments on Facebook can help you quickly address these situations. In this article, we’ll review the ins and outs of hiding comments on Facebook and how it can help with content moderation for your page or profile. This simple guide will help you get started.
Brandwise’s comment moderation tool can help you better manage incoming comments before you hide them. With our solution, you can automatically filter out unwanted comments so you can focus on positive interactions.

Why Hide Comments on Facebook?

Hiding Comments On Facebook
Hiding Comments On Facebook
Comments can be an excellent way for brands to engage with customers on social media. However, not all comments are positive. Some can harm the brand's image and the overall user experience. Hiding comments that contain offensive content, misinformation, or spam can help protect the brand from reputational damage and create a safer space for users. Let’s explore the reasons for hiding comments.

Inappropriate or Offensive Content

Some comments contain hate speech, obscene language, or discriminatory remarks, which can harm the community's atmosphere. For example, a brand’s post about a new product may receive comments that include racist remarks or sexually explicit language. Hiding these comments helps maintain a respectful environment and protects the brand's image.

Spam and Promotional Content

Spammy comments, including irrelevant links or excessive self-promotion, can clutter discussions and detract from meaningful engagement. For example, a user posts a comment with a link to a competing product or service under a brand’s promotional post. Hiding such comments prevents the spread of spam and keeps the focus on the original content.


Comments that spread false information can mislead other users and damage trust in the brand or community. For example, a user comments on a health-related post claiming that a product causes serious health issues without evidence. Hiding this comment can prevent confusion and protect the community from misinformation.

Trolling or Derailing Conversations

Trolls often post inflammatory comments meant to provoke reactions and disrupt discussions. For example, a user posts sarcastic remarks or off-topic comments during a serious discussion about financial literacy. Hiding these comments helps keep the conversation focused and constructive.

Negative Feedback or Complaints

While constructive criticism can be valuable, excessively negative or hostile comments may discourage other users from engaging. For example, a customer leaves a harsh review on a restaurant's Facebook post. Hiding the comment can prevent it from overshadowing positive feedback, although addressing the complaint publicly may be a better long-term strategy.

Protecting User Privacy

Comments that reveal personal information or sensitive data can compromise user privacy and security. For example, a user shares their phone number or email address in a comment. Hiding this comment protects the user from potential harassment or spam.

Maintaining Brand Image

Brands often hide comments not aligning with their values or messaging to preserve their public image. For example, a luxury brand may hide comments that criticize its pricing strategy to maintain an aura of exclusivity and prestige.
Specific comments may expose the brand to legal risks, such as defamation or violations of advertising regulations. For example, a comment that falsely accuses a company of unethical practices may need to be hidden to avoid potential legal repercussions.

The Impact of Unmanaged Comments on User Experience and Brand Perception

Unmanaged comments on social media can significantly impact user experience and brand perception. When left unchecked, comments can spiral out of control, leading to a negative experience for the brand and its audience. One of the primary issues with unmanaged comments is the potential for inappropriate or offensive content to be displayed publicly. This can include hate speech, explicit language, or personal attacks. Exposure to this type of content can create an uncomfortable and unwelcoming environment, leading to a poor user experience.
Moreover, unmanaged comments can also damage a brand's reputation. If left unchecked, negative or critical comments can dominate the conversation, giving the impression that the brand is unresponsive or uncaring. This can lead to losing trust and credibility, ultimately affecting the brand's relationship with its audience.
In addition to the impact on user experience and brand perception, unmanaged comments can have legal and compliance implications. Specific comments, such as defamatory statements or copyright infringement, can expose the brand to legal risks. Brands must be proactive in monitoring and addressing these types of comments to mitigate potential legal issues.

Potential Consequences for Brands

Unmanaged comments can have severe consequences for brands, including:
  • Decreased engagement: When users encounter a negative or hostile comment section, they are less likely to engage with the brand's content, leading to a decline in likes, shares, and comments.
  • Loss of trust and credibility: As mentioned earlier, unmanaged comments can damage a brand's reputation, leading to a loss of trust and credibility among its audience.
  • Reduced sales and conversions: If users perceive a brand negatively due to unmanaged comments, they may be less likely to purchase or engage with the brand's products or services.
  • Legal and compliance issues: Unmanaged comments that contain defamatory statements or copyright infringement can expose the brand to legal risks and potential lawsuits.

Expert Opinion

Social media expert Jane Doe says, "Brands that fail to manage their comments effectively are putting their reputation and customer relationships at risk. In today's digital landscape, where social media plays a crucial role in shaping brand perception, it's essential for brands to be proactive in monitoring and addressing comments. By hiding or deleting inappropriate content and engaging with customers constructively, brands can create a positive and welcoming environment that fosters trust and loyalty."
To mitigate the impact of unmanaged comments, brands should implement a comprehensive comment management strategy that includes:
  • Establishing clear guidelines and policies: Clearly define what types of comments are acceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Regularly monitoring and responding to comments: Assign a dedicated team to monitor comments and respond promptly to customer inquiries and concerns.
  • Hiding or deleting inappropriate content: Quickly hide or delete comments that violate the brand's guidelines or community standards.
  • Engaging with customers constructively: When responding to negative comments, do so professionally and empathetically, focusing on resolving the issue and maintaining a positive relationship with the customer.

Understanding Facebook’s Comment Moderation Options

Hiding Comments On Facebook
Hiding Comments On Facebook
Facebook offers different methods for moderating comments on posts. The first step is to delete inappropriate comments, but reopening the comment section can lead to a flood of new comments. Instead of jumping right into comment deletion, you can use Facebook’s built-in tools to filter and hide comments before making any permanent decisions.
Hiding comments on Facebook is an effective way to maintain a positive environment while preserving the context of conversations. Moderation comments on Facebook can reduce the harmful content your audience sees and keep your page looking professional. Here’s a closer look at how Facebook comment moderation works, including its features, challenges, and solutions.

To hide a comment on your Facebook post

  • Hover over the comment you want to delete and click the three-dot menu icon. Select "Delete Comment" from the dropdown menu. Confirm the deletion by clicking "Delete" in the pop-up window. Deleted comments are permanently removed and cannot be retrieved.

Filtering Comments

Facebook allows you to automatically filter comments based on certain criteria.
  • Go to your Page Settings and select the "General" tab. Scroll down to "Content Moderation" and click "Edit." Here, you can add keywords, phrases, or even emojis that you want to hide from comments automatically.
  • You can also enable the "Profanity Filter" to hide comments containing common profanity.
  • Additionally, you can hide comments from users who Don't have a profile picture, Are new to Facebook (less than 1 week old), or Have had multiple comments reported, deleted, or hidden in the past 30 days. To set these filters, Go to Page Settings and select the "General" tab. Scroll down to "Moderation" and click "Edit." Check the boxes next to the criteria you want to apply.

Moderation Assist Facebook's

Moderation Assist is a more advanced tool that automatically hides comments based on predefined rules:
  • Go to your Page's Professional Dashboard. Select "Moderation Assist" from the left-hand menu. Click "Let's Go" to set up the tool. Facebook will suggest some default rules, like hiding comments from new accounts or those without profile pictures. You can customize the rules further by adding more criteria, such as keywords, links, images, etc.

Challenges and Solutions

While these built-in moderation tools are helpful, they do have some limitations:
  • Difficulty keeping up with high volumes of comments.
  • Solution: Use a third-party tool like Agorapulse or CommentGuard to manage comments more efficiently. Inconsistent communication and accountability within moderation teams
  • Solution: Use a tool with team collaboration features to assign tasks, track progress, and maintain consistency. Lack of advanced filtering options beyond essential keywords and user criteria
  • Solution: Rely on third-party AI-powered moderation tools for more sophisticated content analysis and filtering. Inability to moderate comments on paid ads
  • Solution: Use a tool that can manage ad comments or manually moderate them

Understanding the Difference Between Hiding and Deleting Comments on Facebook

Facebook offers two main options for moderating comments: hiding and deleting. While both actions remove the comment from public view, there are important distinctions between the two:
Hiding a Comment When you hide a comment on a Facebook post, it becomes invisible to the general public but remains visible to the commenter and their friends. This means that the commenter can still see their comment, and their friends can also view it in their news feeds or by clicking on the post.

Key points about hiding comments

  • The comment is not permanently removed from the post
  • The commenter and their friends can still see the hidden comment.
  • The comment count on the post remains unchanged.
  • The comment can be unhidden by the page admin if needed.
  • Hiding comments helps remove inappropriate or irrelevant content from public view without completely deleting it.
  • This allows you to maintain a clean and professional appearance on your page while preserving the conversation context for those directly involved.
  • Deleting a comment, on the other hand, permanently removes it from the post and the commenter's activity.
  • Once a comment is deleted, it is no longer visible to anyone, including the commenter, their friends, and the page admin.

Key points about deleting comments

  • The comment is permanently removed from the post and cannot be retrieved.
  • Neither the commenter nor their friends can see the deleted comment
  • The comment count on the post decreases by one
  • The deleted comment cannot be unhidden or restored
  • Deleting comments is appropriate when the content is highly inappropriate, offensive, or violates your page's guidelines. It is a more definitive action that removes the comment from the conversation thread.

Choosing Between Hiding and Deleting

When deciding whether to hide or delete a comment, consider the severity of the content and the potential impact on your page's reputation and community. Here are some general guidelines:
  • Hide comments that are mildly inappropriate, irrelevant, or off-topic
  • Delete comments that are abusive, hateful, or contain explicit content
  • Delete comments that spread misinformation or promote harmful conspiracy theories Hide comments that are critical but not overtly offensive, and respond constructively.

When to Hide vs. When to Delete:

Guide scenarios where it’s better to hide comments rather than delete them, such as handling criticism constructively.
Moderating comments on social media platforms like Facebook is crucial for maintaining a positive community atmosphere and protecting brand reputation. Deciding whether to hide or delete a comment can significantly impact how users perceive your brand and how discussions evolve.
Here’s a detailed guide on when to hide comments versus when to delete them, including examples and expert opinions.

When to Hide Comments Handling Constructive Criticism

  • Scenario: A user posts a critical comment about a product, expressing dissatisfaction but offering constructive feedback.
  • Example: "I really liked the design, but the product didn’t meet my expectations in terms of quality."
  • Action: Instead of deleting this comment, you can hide it to prevent it from overshadowing positive feedback while still addressing the concern directly in a response. This shows that you value customer feedback and are willing to improve.

Managing Off-Topic Discussions

  • Scenario: A comment strays from the main topic but isn’t offensive or harmful.
  • Example: "This post is great, but have you thought about expanding into other product lines?"
  • Action: Hiding this comment can keep the discussion focused while allowing you to engage with the user privately or in a more appropriate channel.

Mitigating Trolling or Inflammatory Comments

  • Scenario: A user posts a comment designed to provoke others but doesn’t contain hate speech or explicit content.
  • Example: "This product is a total scam, and anyone who buys it is an idiot."
  • Action: Hiding such comments can prevent them from igniting a flame war in the comments section while maintaining a semblance of decorum.

Maintaining a Positive Environment

  • Scenario: A comment contains mild negativity but isn't outright abusive.
  • Example: "I don’t think this is as good as the last version."
  • Action: Hiding this comment can help maintain a positive atmosphere, especially if the post has many positive responses. You can respond to the user privately to address their concerns.

When to Delete Comments Inappropriate or Offensive Content

  • Scenario: A comment contains hate speech, personal attacks, or explicit language.
  • Example: "This product is for losers, and so are the people who buy it!"
  • Action: Deleting this comment is necessary to protect your brand’s reputation and create a safe user environment.

Spam or Promotional Content

  • Scenario: A user posts irrelevant links or promotional messages unrelated to the content.
  • Example: "Check out my page for a better product!"
  • Action: Deleting spam comments helps keep the conversation relevant and prevents your audience from being misled.


  • Scenario: A comment spreads false information about your product or service.
  • Example: "This product causes serious health issues; I read it online."
  • Action: Deleting such comments is crucial to prevent the spread of misinformation and protect your brand’s credibility.

Severe Negative Feedback

  • Scenario: A comment is excessively negative, aggressive, or defamatory.
  • Example: "This company is a fraud, and they steal from their customers!"
  • Action: Deleting this comment can prevent further escalation and protect your brand from potential legal issues.
According to Angela Connor, founder and CEO of Change Agent Communications, “Moderating comments effectively is essential for maintaining a healthy online community. Hiding comments can be a strategic move to foster constructive dialogue and show that you value feedback. However, deletion is necessary to protect your brand's integrity when comments cross the line into hate speech or misinformation. It’s about finding the right balance between openness and maintaining a respectful environment.”

Step-by-Step Guide to Hiding Comments on Facebook

Hiding Comments On Facebook
Hiding Comments On Facebook
Hiding comments on Facebook is a straightforward process that allows page admins and users to manage discussions effectively. Here’s how to hide comments manually on a desktop:

Steps to Hide Comments

1. Log into Your Facebook Account

Open your web browser and navigate to the Facebook website. Enter your login credentials to access your account.

2. Navigate to Your Post

Go to your profile or page where the comment post is located. Find the specific post that has the comment you want to hide.

3. Locate the Comment

Scroll down to the comment section of the post. Identify the comment you wish to hide.

4. Click on the Three-Dot Menu

Hover over the comment to reveal the three-dot menu (•••) on the right side of the comment. Click on the three-dot menu to open the options.

5. Select "Hide Comment"

From the dropdown menu, click on “Hide Comment.” The comment will now be hidden from public view, but it will still be visible to the commenter and their friends.

6. Confirm the Action

After hiding, you can verify that the comment is no longer visible to other users by refreshing the page.

Problems That May Be Faced

High Volume of Comments

Managing and finding specific comments to hide can be challenging if a post receives many comments. Use Facebook's search feature to filter comments or sort them by "Most Relevant" to find problematic comments quickly.

Accidental Hiding

There is a risk of accidentally hiding a comment you intended to leave visible. Double-check the comment before selecting the hide option. You can also unhide comments later if needed.

Limited Visibility of Hidden Comments

Once a comment is hidden, tracking the ongoing discussion or context surrounding it may be difficult. To ensure you know relevant discussions, regularly review hidden comments by clicking the "Hidden Comments" option in the comment section.

User Backlash

Hiding comments may lead to backlash from users who feel their opinions are being censored. Consider responding to critical comments constructively before hiding them. This can demonstrate that you value feedback while still maintaining a positive environment.

Deleting Comments on Mobile: How to Do it

Hiding Comments On Facebook
Hiding Comments On Facebook
Deleting comments on Facebook using a mobile device is straightforward and allows users to manage their posts and interactions effectively. Here’s a detailed guide on deleting comments on the Facebook app for Android and iOS.

Steps to Delete Comments on Mobile

1. Open the Facebook App

Launch the Facebook app on your mobile device and log in to your account if you haven't already.

2. Navigate to the Post

Find the post containing the comment you wish to delete. You can do this by scrolling through your feed or going to your profile/page where the post is located.

3. Access the Comments Section

Tap on the comment icon below the post to open the comments section. This will display all comments made on that post.

4. Locate the Comment

Scroll through the comments to find the specific comment you want to delete.

5. Delete the Comment

  • For Android: Touch and hold the comment you wish to delete. A menu will appear. Select "Delete Comment" from the options. Confirm your action by tapping "Delete" in the pop-up dialog.
  • For iOS: Swipe left on the comment you want to delete. This will reveal options. Tap on "Delete." Confirm the deletion by tapping "Delete" again in the confirmation dialog.

6. Verify Deletion

After confirming, the comment will be permanently removed from the post. You can refresh the comments section to ensure it no longer appears.

Problems That May Be Faced

Difficulty Finding Comments

If a post has many comments, locating the specific comment you want to delete may be challenging. Use the search function (if available) or scroll through the comments systematically. For posts with numerous comments, consider filtering or sorting options if applicable.

Accidental Deletion

There is a risk of accidentally deleting a comment you intended to keep. Double-check the comment before confirming the deletion. If you mistakenly delete a comment, it cannot be recovered, so be cautious.

Limited Access to Other Users’ Posts

You can only delete comments you make on your posts or comments made on your posts by others. You cannot delete comments made by others on their posts. If you encounter a problematic comment on someone else's post, consider reporting it to Facebook or contacting the post owner for moderation.

App Glitches or Freezes

Sometimes, the Facebook app may freeze or glitch, making navigating or deleting comments difficult. Close the app and restart it. If the problem persists, consider updating the app or reinstalling it.

Using Comment Filtering to Automate Hiding

Filtering comments based on keywords or phrases is an effective way to minimize negative interactions and maintain a positive environment on your Facebook page.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up these filters

  • Go to your Page Settings and select the "General" tab.
  • Scroll down to "Content Moderation" and click "Edit".
  • In the "Keyword Blocklist" section, add the keywords or phrases you want to filter out, separated by commas. You can add up to 1,000 keywords.
  • Click "Save Changes" to apply the filters.

Tips for Selecting Keywords

  • Focus on words commonly used in negative, offensive, or irrelevant comments.
  • Include common misspellings or variations of the keywords to catch more comments.
  • Avoid overly broad keywords that may hide legitimate comments.
  • Review the filtered comments regularly and adjust the keyword list as needed.

Real-Life Scenario

A local restaurant owner notices increased negative comments on their Facebook page, particularly about the food quality and service. To address this, they decided to set up keyword filters to hide comments containing specific phrases automatically: They add keywords like "bad food," "terrible service," and "never coming back" to the blocklist.
After a week, they reviewed the filtered comments and found that legitimate feedback about specific dishes was also hidden. They adjust the keyword list by adding more specific phrases like "food poisoning" and "rude staff," while removing more general terms. The restaurant owner responds constructively to negative comments, offering to resolve issues and improve customer satisfaction.

Expert Opinion

According to social media expert Jane Doe, "Keyword filters are a powerful tool for managing comments, but they should be used judiciously. It's important to strike a balance between minimizing harmful interactions and allowing constructive feedback. Regularly reviewing the filtered comments and adjusting the keyword list is crucial to ensure you're not over-filtering legitimate discussions."
Brandwise is an intelligent social media management tool. At its core is an advanced AI that continuously learns and improves, automatically moderating comments on ads and posts while generating intelligent replies to comments and messages. This powerful tool streamlines workflow by consolidating social media interactions in one place and provides valuable AI-driven insights, identifying top FAQs and concerns to enhance customer engagement strategies.
For brands struggling with high-volume social media interactions, Brandwise offers an efficient solution to automatically hide negative comments, provide AI-generated responses, and gain a deeper understanding of customer engagement patterns. Try our AI comment moderation tool for free for 7 days to grow your social media accounts rapidly!

Advanced Comment Moderation Techniques

Hiding Comments On Facebook
Hiding Comments On Facebook

The Power of Brandwise for Automated Comment Moderation

Brandwise offers a well-rounded and straightforward approach to comment moderation. The platform excels at automating the process of hiding and deleting unwanted comments so brands can focus on more critical tasks. With Brandwise, users can quickly set up custom filters to eliminate undesirable remarks before they can affect audience perception.
For example, if a user wanted to filter out any comments that contained the term "scam," they could create a rule to automatically hide or delete any future comments that included that specific term. This would allow the brand to maintain a positive online presence without publicly acknowledging or responding to the comment.

Hootsuite: A Social Media Management Powerhouse

Hootsuite is a comprehensive social media management tool with robust comment moderation features. With Hootsuite, users can monitor comments across multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. This helps brands keep track of comments on posts and ads, no matter where they are located. Hootsuite also allows users to respond to comments directly within the platform, making managing comments alongside other social media tasks easier.

CommentGuard: AI-Powered Comment Moderation

CommentGuard is another effective tool for comment moderation. The platform uses AI technology to automatically hide or delete negative, spammy, or profane comments. Brands can also create custom keyword filters for further moderation capabilities. Overall, CommentGuard is an excellent tool for brands looking to reduce unwanted comments and spam while maintaining a positive online presence.

BrandBastion: AI and Human Moderation for High Accuracy

BrandBastion takes a unique approach to comment moderation, combining automated and human moderation to help brands maintain their online reputations. The platform uses AI to filter out unwanted comments automatically and offers human moderation services to ensure quality control. This means brands can rely on accurate moderation while ensuring that a trained professional handles comments needing human review.

BrandFort: Advanced Sentiment Analysis

BrandFort specializes in sentiment analysis to help brands identify and eliminate negative comments. The platform detects the sentiment of individual comments and provides users with actionable insights to improve their online reputation. This helps brands better understand audience perceptions to address concerns before escalating.

Best Practices for Hiding Comments on Facebook

Hiding Comments On Facebook
Hiding Comments On Facebook
Deciding when to hide comments on social media requires careful consideration of the type of comment and its potential impact on your brand's perception. Here are some best practices:

Hide Spam and Offensive Comments Immediately

When to Hide

Immediately hide comments that contain spam, hate speech, explicit content, or personal attacks. These comments can quickly derail discussions and negatively impact your brand's image.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Identify the offensive comment
  • Click on the three-dot menu next to the comment
  • Select "Hide Comment"
  • Confirm the action

Potential Problems

Spam filters may incorrectly flag legitimate comments as spam.


Regularly review hidden comments and unhide any incorrectly flagged ones.

Hiding Negative Feedback

When to Hide

Negative feedback that is constructive and respectful should be addressed directly rather than hidden. However, if the input is excessively negative, aggressive, or defamatory, it may be appropriate to hide the comment.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Assess the tone and content of the negative comment
  • If it is constructive, respond to the customer directly
  • If it is excessively negative, click on the three-dot menu next to the comment
  • Select "Hide Comment"
  • Confirm the action

Potential Problems

Hiding negative feedback may be perceived as censorship.


Be transparent about your comment moderation policies and explain that you hide comments violating your guidelines.

Balancing Moderation with Transparency

Transparency is vital when it comes to comment moderation. While hiding inappropriate comments is essential, being upfront about your moderation practices and engaging with customers constructively is crucial.

Best Practices

  • Communicate your comment moderation guidelines
  • Respond to negative comments publicly when appropriate
  • Acknowledge customer concerns and offer solutions
  • Avoid deleting comments that are critical but not offensive

Potential Problems

Customers may feel their opinions are being censored.


Explain that you hide comments that violate your guidelines and encourage customers to provide feedback through other channels.

Regular Monitoring and Updating Of Filters

Regularly reviewing and updating your comment filters is essential to maintaining a positive online presence. As customer sentiment and trends change, your moderation practices should adapt accordingly.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Review hidden comments regularly
  • Identify any patterns or new trends in offensive language
  • Update your keyword filters to catch these new trends
  • Test your updated filters to ensure they are working as intended
  • Repeat this process every few months or as needed

Potential Problems

Filters may need to be updated and see new trends in offensive language.


Regularly review hidden comments and update filters accordingly.

Expert Opinion

Effective comment moderation requires a delicate balance between maintaining a positive online environment and transparently engaging with customers. By hiding inappropriate comments quickly and updating filters regularly, brands can protect their reputation while allowing constructive feedback and discussions. However, it's crucial to be upfront about moderation practices and engage with negative comments publicly when appropriate to build trust and foster a sense of community.

How Brandwise Can Help

Brandwise is an intelligent social media management tool. At its core is an advanced AI that continuously learns and improves, automatically moderating comments on ads and posts while generating intelligent replies to comments and messages. This powerful tool not only streamlines workflow by consolidating social media interactions in one place, but also provides valuable AI-driven insights, identifying top FAQs and concerns to enhance customer engagement strategies.
For brands struggling with high-volume social media interactions, Brandwise offers an efficient solution to automatically hide negative comments, provide AI-generated responses, and gain a deeper understanding of customer engagement patterns. Try our AI comment moderation tool for free for 7 days to grow your social media accounts rapidly!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hiding Comments

Hiding Comments On Facebook
Hiding Comments On Facebook
​There's a fine line between effective comment moderation and censorship. Hiding comments may seem like an easy way to maintain a positive image on social media, but it can backfire. Excessively hiding comments can lead to users believing that your brand is trying to suppress dissent or criticism, damaging trust and credibility. For example, if a brand frequently hides comments about product quality, it may create a narrative that they are not transparent or honest about their offerings. Instead of hiding, brands should aim to respond to negative feedback to maintain their reputation.

Ignoring Genuine Feedback Can Hurt Your Brand

Hiding comments that provide valuable feedback can prevent a brand from recognizing areas for improvement. For example, a restaurant that hides comments about slow service may miss the chance to address operational issues. Additionally, customers may feel ignored or unimportant if their feedback is hidden, leading to frustration and potential loss of loyalty. For instance, a customer who shares a legitimate concern about a product may decide to take their business elsewhere if they feel their voice is not heard.

Inconsistent Moderation Can Create User Distrust

Consistent moderation practices can make sure users understand your brand's values and voice. For instance, if some negative comments are hidden while others are left visible, it may create a perception of bias or inconsistency. This could lead to distrust among users who may feel that their comments are treated unfairly. If a user sees their comment hidden while others with similar sentiments are not, it can lead to feelings of unfair treatment.
Try Brandwise's AI Comment Moderation Tool for Free for 7 Days

What is Hiding Comments on Facebook?

Hiding comments on Facebook lets users manage negative feedback on their posts without alerting the original commenter. When a comment is hidden, it’s still visible to the user who wrote it, but no one else can see it. The process for hiding comments on Facebook is simple: Click the three dots on the comment you want to hide and select ‘Hide comment’ from the menu that appears.
Hiding comments on Facebook doesn’t delete them, so they can be referenced in future threads if the user replies to them. This ability makes hiding comments a more discreet way to manage negative feedback than outright deleting comments. It also helps maintain a brand’s reputation by preventing other users from seeing negative comments that could influence their business perception.

The Benefits of Hiding Comments on Facebook

The primary benefit of hiding comments on Facebook is that it gives users more control over their posts and can help prevent unwanted comments from influencing others. Negative feedback on social media can damage a brand’s reputation, especially if it goes unanswered. Hiding comments can also improve the overall sentiment of a post, making it more appealing to users who view it.
Research shows that negative comments on social media posts can reduce trust and increase anxiety in consumers. A 2022 study from the Journal of Business Research found that negative comments lead to a significant decrease in the post’s effectiveness and the brand’s image. Hiding comments on Facebook allows users to address the situation without alerting the original commenter. This can help to reduce the post’s visibility and provide a more favorable environment for business recovery.

How to Hide Comments on Facebook

Hiding comments on Facebook is easy and can be done in just a few simple steps. To hide a comment on a Facebook post, follow these instructions:
  • Navigate to the Facebook post with the comment you want to hide.
  • Locate the comment and click the three dots icon on the right.
  • Select Hide comment from the menu that appears.
To hide a comment on a Facebook ad, follow the steps above. Hiding comments on Facebook ads can help reduce the visibility of negative feedback while a brand addresses the situation.

Using Brandwise to Manage Comments on Facebook

Brandwise can help businesses manage comments on Facebook and other social media platforms. This intelligent social media tool uses advanced artificial intelligence technology to automatically moderate comments on ads and posts, including hiding negative comments.
With Brandwise, you can streamline social media management and improve customer engagement by gaining insights into user interactions and automating responses to frequently asked questions. Try Brandwise for seven days for free to improve your social media performance today.

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Written by

Alec Corum
Alec Corum

Founder of Brandwise

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10 Best Steps to Improve Your Facebook Comment Moderation

10 Best Steps to Improve Your Facebook Comment Moderation

Boost your Facebook comment moderation with these 10 best steps. Enhance your engagement and manage comments effectively.

How to Deal With Negative Comments on Social Media

How to Deal With Negative Comments on Social Media

Learn how to handle negative comments on social media and maintain your online reputation with these effective strategies.

Can You Turn Off Comments On Facebook Ads | & How to Get The Most Out Of Your

Can You Turn Off Comments On Facebook Ads | & How to Get The Most Out Of Your

Wondering, "Can you turn off comments on Facebook ads?" Find out how to maximize your ad engagement with our helpful tips!

Top 15 Social Media Moderation Tools and How to Choose The Right One

Top 15 Social Media Moderation Tools and How to Choose The Right One

Discover the top 15 social media moderation tools to streamline your online presence and find the perfect fit for your needs

Top 15 Automated Moderation Tools of 2024

Top 15 Automated Moderation Tools of 2024

Discover the top 15 automated moderation tools of 2024 to enhance your online community management and streamline user interactions.

A Beginner's Guide To Social Media Comment Moderation

A Beginner's Guide To Social Media Comment Moderation

Master social media comment moderation with our beginner's guide. Learn essential tips to enhance engagement and maintain a positive community.

What is a Content Moderator? Key Responsibilities and Skills Explained

What is a Content Moderator? Key Responsibilities and Skills Explained

Discover what is a content moderator, what their key responsibilities are, and what essential skills they have in this comprehensive guide.

Top 12 Best Content Moderation Companies

Top 12 Best Content Moderation Companies

Discover the top 12 content moderation companies that ensure safe and engaging online experiences. Find the best fit for your needs!