All You Need to Know About How To Hide Comments On Facebook

Discover how to hide comments on Facebook easily. Learn the simple steps to control your post's visibility and manage interactions effectively.

All You Need to Know About How To Hide Comments On Facebook
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Your peaceful post can quickly turn ugly when a public comment section becomes a battleground. Whether people are arguing, trolling, or leaving negative remarks, you might feel overwhelmed when confronting a public post that has gone rogue.
Hiding comments on Facebook is an effective way to restore peace without broadcasting your displeasure to the world. This guide will explore the ins and outs of hiding comments on Facebook and why you shouldn’t hesitate to exercise content moderation on your posts.
Brandwise’s content moderation tools can help you maintain peace on public posts, allowing you to hide comments on Facebook easily.

How Facebook Works

How To Hide Comments On Facebook
How To Hide Comments On Facebook

What is Facebook? The Social Media Giant Defined

Facebook is a global social media platform that serves as a digital hub for connecting with friends, family, and communities worldwide. It offers various features that enable users to share updates, photos, and videos and engage in discussions.

Profile Creation

Users sign up for a Facebook account by providing personal information such as their name, email address, and birthday. They can customize their profiles with photos, cover images, and a brief bio.

Content Sharing

Users can post text, images, videos, and profile links. They can also share their posts with specific friends, groups, or the public.


Users can like, comment on, and share other users' posts, which fosters engagement and creates a sense of community within the platform.

Groups and Pages

Facebook allows users to join groups with shared interests or create pages for businesses, organizations, or public figures.


Facebook Messenger is a built-in messaging app that allows users to communicate with friends and family. Users can send text, voice, and video calls and share files.


Users can create and attend events like parties, meetups, or conferences.


Facebook Marketplace allows users to buy and sell items locally or nationally.


Users can share short-lived photos and videos known as "Stories" that disappear after 24 hours.


Facebook Watch offers users a platform to watch videos, including original series, documentaries, and live streams.


Facebook has a gaming platform where users can play games with friends or compete against others.

How To Hide Comments On Facebook

How To Hide Comments On Facebook
How To Hide Comments On Facebook
How do you hide comments on Facebook? To hide a comment on one of your posts, go to the comment and click the three dots next to it. Then, select the option to hide the comment.

Hiding Comments on Other People's Posts

You can also hide comments that appear on other people's posts. This is especially helpful if you notice a negative comment on a friend or family member's post and want to lessen its visibility. To do this, locate the post with the comment you want to hide and click the three dots next to it. Then, select the option to hide the comment.

Additional Considerations

Hiding vs. Deleting Comments

While hiding comments removes them from your view, they still exist on the platform. Deleting comments permanently removes them from Facebook. If you want to eliminate a comment, you'll need to delete it.

Reporting Offensive Comments

If a comment is offensive, harmful, or violates Facebook's Community Standards, you can report it by clicking the three dots and selecting "Report." This will flag the comment for review by Facebook's moderators, who may take action against the user who posted it.

Managing Comments Proactively

Consider setting clear guidelines for comments on your posts to prevent negative or unwanted comments. You can also use Facebook's built-in moderation tools to filter or block comments. For instance, you can create a list of keywords or phrases that automatically hide comments containing them.

Understanding Facebook's Comment Moderation Policies

Familiarize yourself with Facebook's Community Standards and Guidelines for comment moderation. This will help you understand what is and isn't acceptable on the platform and how to report violations.

Using Third-Party Tools

If you manage multiple Facebook pages or receive a high volume of comments, consider using third-party social media management tools with advanced comment moderation features. These tools can help you automate tasks, filter comments, and gain valuable insights into your audience.
By understanding how to hide comments on Facebook and taking proactive steps to manage your content, you can create a more positive and engaging online experience for yourself and your followers.

Try Brandwise's AI Comment Moderation Tool for Free for 7 Days

Brandwise is an intelligent social media management tool. At its core is an advanced AI that continuously learns and improves, automatically moderating comments on ads and posts while generating intelligent replies to comments and messages. This powerful tool streamlines workflow by consolidating social media interactions in one place and provides valuable AI-driven insights, identifying top FAQs and concerns to enhance customer engagement strategies.
For brands struggling with high-volume social media interactions, Brandwise offers an efficient solution to automatically hide negative comments, provide AI-generated responses, and gain a deeper understanding of customer engagement patterns. Try our free AI comment moderation tool for seven days to rapidly grow your social media accounts!

Why Hide Comments on Facebook?

How To Hide Comments On Facebook
How To Hide Comments On Facebook

Taming Toxicity: Hiding Negative and Offensive Comments on Facebook

Hiding comments on Facebook can be a valuable tool for managing your online presence and creating a positive and engaging experience for yourself and your followers. Here are some common reasons why people choose to hide comments:

Managing Negative or Offensive Comments

If you encounter offensive, harmful comments or violate Facebook's Community Standards, hiding them can help protect yourself and others from negativity. This can be particularly important for individuals who are sensitive to online abuse or harassment. By removing offensive comments, you can create a safer and more welcoming environment for your followers.

Protecting Your Info: Hiding Comments That Compromise Your Privacy

Some users may hide comments containing personal information or sensitive topics they prefer to keep private. This can include comments that disclose personal details such as addresses, phone numbers, or financial information. By hiding these comments, you can help maintain your privacy and protect yourself from potential scams or identity theft.

Creating a Better Community: Hiding Comments That Disrupt Your Content

By hiding irrelevant, off-topic, or disruptive comments, you can create a more positive and welcoming environment for your followers. This can foster a sense of community and encourage meaningful conversations. When your posts are filled with respectful and engaging comments, it's more likely that your followers will continue to return and participate in your online discussions.

Stopping Harassment: Hiding Comments That Target You

If you're receiving unwanted or harassing comments, hiding them can help protect you from further abuse. This can be especially important for individuals targeted by online trolls or cyberbullies. By removing these comments, you can reduce the impact of harassment and maintain a positive online experience.

Taking Control: Hiding Comments to Manage the Conversation

Hiding comments allows you to control the tone and direction of conversations on your posts. This can be helpful if you want to avoid off-topic, controversial, or potentially harmful discussions. Removing irrelevant or disruptive comments can keep the conversation focused on the intended topic and create a more productive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Additional Considerations: Addressing the Root Causes

While hiding comments can be helpful, it's not a substitute for addressing the root causes of harmful or unwanted comments. If you consistently encounter negative comments, consider reevaluating your content, engaging with your audience more positively, or setting more explicit guidelines for comments.

Additional Considerations: Using Other Moderation Tools

In addition to hiding comments, you can also use other moderation tools available on Facebook, such as blocking users, filtering keywords, and reporting offensive content. These tools can help you create a more positive and controlled environment for your online interactions.

Additional Considerations: Setting Clear Guidelines for Comments

By setting clear guidelines for comments on your posts, you can help prevent negative or unwanted comments from occurring. These guidelines can outline acceptable behavior, topics of discussion, and consequences for violating the rules.
Best Practices for Comment Moderation

Setting and Enforcing Community Guidelines

One of the most effective ways to manage comments on Facebook is to set clear and concise community guidelines. These guidelines should outline acceptable behavior, topics of discussion, and consequences for violating the rules.
By establishing expectations for how users should interact with each other and your content, you can help prevent negative or unwanted comments from occurring in the first place. Here are some key elements to consider when creating your community guidelines:

Respectful Behavior

Emphasize the importance of respectful and courteous behavior among all participants. Prohibit personal attacks, insults, and discriminatory language.

Relevant Topics

Clearly define the topics of discussion that are appropriate for your community. Avoid topics that are off-topic, controversial, or potentially harmful.

Constructive Engagement

Encourage constructive and thoughtful engagement. Promote respectful debate and discourage flame wars or personal attacks.


Outline the consequences for violating the community guidelines. This could include warnings, temporary or permanent bans, or reporting to Facebook.
Once you've created your community guidelines, communicate them clearly to your followers. You can include them in your profile description, post them on your page, or reference them in your posts. Consistently enforcing these guidelines is essential for maintaining a positive and respectful community.

Using Facebook's Built-in Moderation Tools

How To Hide Comments On Facebook
How To Hide Comments On Facebook
Facebook provides several built-in moderation tools to help you manage comments and create a more positive online experience. Here are some of the tools you can use:

Filtering Comments

You can use Facebook's filtering options to hide comments that contain specific keywords or phrases. This can help filter out spam, offensive language, or irrelevant content.

Blocking Users

If a user consistently posts negative or offensive comments, you can block them from commenting on your posts. This will prevent them from interacting with your content.

Reporting Offensive Content

If you encounter a comment that violates Facebook's Community Standards, you can report it to Facebook for review. Facebook's moderators will investigate the report and take appropriate action if necessary.

Creating Lists

You can create lists of friends or followers who can comment on your posts. This can help limit comments to a specific group of people.

The Role of AI in Comment Moderation

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly crucial in comment moderation in recent years. AI-powered tools can help automate tasks, filter comments, and gain valuable insights into your audience. These tools can be handy for individuals or businesses that manage multiple Facebook pages or deal with a high volume of comments. Some of the benefits of using AI for comment moderation include:

Improved Efficiency

AI can help automate tasks such as filtering comments, identifying spam, and responding to common questions. This can save you time and effort.

Enhanced Accuracy

AI algorithms can be trained to identify offensive or harmful content accurately, even if users do not explicitly flag it.

Valuable Insights

AI can provide valuable insights into your audience and their engagement patterns. This information can help you tailor your content and improve your online strategy.
Various AI-powered comment moderation tools are available on the market, ranging from free to premium options. When choosing a tool, consider your specific needs and budget.

How Brandwise Can Help with Content Moderation

How To Hide Comments On Facebook
How To Hide Comments On Facebook

How Brandwise Uses Artificial Intelligence To Save Time and Resources

Brandwise uses artificial intelligence to help businesses save time and resources when moderating comments on their Facebook posts. When you enable this feature, Brandwise automatically scans all comments on your Facebook posts and ads for harmful and offensive content and filters them out without you having to do anything. This can help you create a safer online environment for your audience while saving time and reducing the stress of managing your Facebook engagement.

How Brandwise Improves Customer Satisfaction

Brandwise can help businesses improve customer satisfaction through effective comment moderation and responses. The tool’s automatic comment moderation feature allows companies to filter out negative comments that can harm their reputations and customer satisfaction.
Instead of letting harmful comments fester, Brandwise can help you create a safe online space for your customers and quickly remove any dangerous or offensive comments. Brandwise’s intelligent reply generation feature can help you engage with your audience more effectively by providing timely and personalized responses to comments and messages. This can improve customer satisfaction and build stronger relationships.

How Brandwise Helps Brands Understand Their Audiences

Comment sections on Facebook posts tell you much about your audience and their preferences. Using Brandwise’s social media insights tools, you can better understand your audience and their engagement patterns. This information can help you tailor your content to improve your social media strategy.

Try Brandwise's AI Comment Moderation Tool for Free for 7 Days

Facebook comment hiding helps brands manage negative feedback on their posts and ads. Comment hiding allows you to remove comments from public view without notifying the person who left the comment. The hidden comments won’t get deleted. Instead, they’ll only be visible to the person who wrote them and anyone they engage with on the thread.
For example, if your business receives a negative comment from a user named “Jane,” and you hide the comment, Jane will still be able to see the comment and any replies. However, no one else can see the comment unless they engage with Jane on the thread (e.g., if they reply to her comment). This feature allows brands to manage social interactions discreetly without creating unnecessary drama or escalating conflict.

Why Hide Comments on Facebook?

Negative comments can hurt your brand reputation and scare off potential customers. Hiding comments on Facebook allows you to manage social interactions discreetly without creating unnecessary drama or escalating conflict. Instead of allowing a negative comment to remain visible on your page, you can hide the comment to prevent others from seeing it until you can investigate the issue and respond appropriately.
For instance, if your business receives a negative comment about a product malfunction, it could be a customer who received a faulty unit. Rather than allowing the comment to remain visible for all to see, you can hide it so others aren’t immediately concerned about purchasing the product. Instead, this gives you time to respond to the user privately to address the issue and resolve the matter before anyone else sees the comment.  Once the issue is resolved, you can publicly thank the user for their feedback, which can help others feel more at ease about purchasing the product.

How to Hide Facebook Comments

If you want to hide a comment on a Facebook post, you can do so from personal and business accounts. Here’s how to hide a comment on a Facebook post from a computer and a mobile device.

On a Computer

1. Navigate to the Facebook post.
2. Click the three dots icon next to the comment you want to hide.
3. Select “Hide comment” from the dropdown menu.

On Mobile

1. Navigate to the Facebook post.
2. Tap the comment icon to view all comments.
3. Tap and hold the comment you want to hide.
4. Select “Hide comment” from the menu.
You can also disable comments on Facebook posts to prevent users from leaving feedback on your posts. This can be helpful if you’re running ads or promoting posts and want to avoid negative commentary. However, comments can help improve post visibility and engagement. To disable comments on Facebook posts, follow these steps.

On a Computer

1. Navigate to the Facebook post.
2. Click the three dots icon on the post.
3. Select “Edit post.”
4. Click “More options.”
5. Toggle the switch to turn off commenting.

On Mobile

1. Navigate to the Facebook post.
2. Tap the three dots icon on the post.
3. Select “Edit post.”
4. Tap “More options.”
5. Toggle the switch to turn off commenting.

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Written by

Alec Corum
Alec Corum

Founder of Brandwise

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